Luke's memories

Created by Stephen 4 years ago

The first one is arriving at Goosemead to visit (we always looked forward to going over to Nan and Gramps when we were little and often cycled over) walking over the little bridge, and normally being greeted by Herbie and Harry bounding from the kitchen, closely followed by Nan calling after them, trying to get them back in the kitchen (often failing as they would run back out. This would normally be followed by Grampy calling ‘Jean!!’ and Nan being oblivious! (before the days of working hearing aids!)

My second one is that she started my interest in one of my favourite animals (other than chickens- that comes from Gramp!). I remember walking into the living room and seeing this little bird with a cool little spikey quiff, Tufty the cockatiel! I used to sit with Nan as she was teaching Tufty to sing ‘ding dong bells’. I remember he used to mimic the phone, and I’d laugh as I watched Nan and Grampy scrambling to find the house phone! I ended up getting a cockatiel of my own, Daisy, who even enjoyed a week's holiday with Nan at one point too.

I also remember her humour in regards to Grampys choice of chickens - I seem to recall her referring to Polish chickens with their bouffant hair blocking their eyes as ‘only good for fox food’ because they couldn’t see where they were going - having kept them as my own – she was right!